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Bodyguard Attack - Renee vs Blanca - 169 Images

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Domination weapon fight, if you love a good long brawl between two gorgeous sleek women than this is the one for you as over and over Renee pounds Blanca. Both women dressed in black tight fitting outfits and boots. In this image set Renne is a good-trained bodyguard, armed with a gun. Blanca tries to attack Renee from behind, but she had no chance. For an extremely long time Renee punches, kicks and uses a gun to slam it into poor Blanca. Blanca hasn't a chance of escape, over and over she has been pummeled by Renee. And as Renee tought the fight is over, she was badly surprised!

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3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 90 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 169 images



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