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2-on-2 fencing duel in leotards - 82 Images

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Be a witness of „Tag-Team and 2-on-2“ fencing duel with four hard bodied fitness models who hold nothing back. Elena and Maya armed with rapiers, attired in tight fitting gymnastic leotards, legwarmers and ballet flats, take on Claira and Jillian, also in lycra gymnastic outfits. The duel starts immediately with all four dualists cross the weapons. There is no mercy in this fencing duel, breasts and bellies are attacked with their weapons, untill only one fighter is standing over the breathless losers. Amazing fencing action, dramatically face expressions, unique fighting moves, professional hair-style and make-up by all women will make you want to watch this image set over and over again, just to make sure you didn't miss anything.


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 82 images



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